Anton Guinea
Entrepreneur, Speaker, bestselling author, and founder of The Guinea Group of Companies. For over 15 years, Anton has helped leaders move their teams to become psychologically safe, physically safe and overall better versions of themselves.

What I learnt from writing 100 pieces of content this year

I used to suck at writing content. I used to suck at being consistent with it. And I used to suck at being confident to put things out there into the content-verse. Because it is hard to do all of those three things for a long period of time.
This year, my focus was on written content, and the team’s 2022 content strategy has been built around a Wednesday blog and LinkedIn post, and a Friday LinkedIn Newsletter. This week (because we number them in our filing structure), we hit the 100 mark, for written content pieces. We might have missed one or two during the year, but in general terms, we were consistent.
The process is, I write it, the team posts it. Winner. A team effort. There were days though (like today – when I am hungover and writing this at 6am on December 23), when the last thing that I feel like doing is writing a newsletter story. Then I get started and love the process of putting thoughts on pages.
Here is what I learnt, and maybe how you could learn to write content, if that something you want to learn.
1. Without a schedule, nothing happens
This is the biggest thing for me this year, and it works in every area of my life. My calendar is king. I can safely say that if it is not in my calendar, it won’t get done. Period.
Every week, on Tuesday, there is a calendar reminder to write content for Wednesday (and on Wednesday, in case I miss it on Tuesday – double whammy). Same same on Thursday for Friday.
We also have a content calendar, that has all of the content ideas in it. So, with the calendar, combined with the content headings, the writing gets done. The thinking decreases significantly, and there is no such thing as writer’s block.
And I know this one isn’t that sexy, and not ground-breaking, but sometimes things don’t need to be earth shattering to be the tip you need to get into action, and to stay in action. And there have been many times, when I get to the last minute, and see that in my calendar not done, and get it done last minute. It gets done, though.
2. Not everyone reads your stuff
Not everyone reads your content and that is ok. Of the 13k ish followers that I have on LinkedIn, each of my written pieces gets between about 400 and 1,000 views on average. Earlier in the year, the Friday Newsletters were regularly over 1,000 views, but then LinkedIn changed an algorithm and all of those views instantly halved (even the previous posts halved). Which is cool.
I work with heaps of influencer types, and for them, that is a tragedy. For me, I’ve always been ok with a little reach, and not a viral reach. Because I write for both readers, and I write for me. Obviously, I try and put information out into the universe that helps others, but at the same time, I find writing cathartic. I find it something that I can do, to collect my thoughts and ideas.
And the content gets repurposed. It is on blogs. On other social media sites. I might turn it into a range of books in 2023.
The strange part about it, is that our business is always growing. And because we don’t do any reach out marketing (we are going to start that in 2023 ???? – I have a business that has never really marketed), and we keep expanding. When I ask the team what is happening, and what is changing, they always respond that they think it is because more people are seeing our content.
I am not sure about that – I feel it is about old-fashioned service and turning up for our clients each and every time. I haven’t missed a client engagement in 18 years, in sickness or in health. Regardless of what is driving our growth, the one thing I know is you don’t need to go viral to get traction. Maybe that would help, but we haven’t had that experience as yet.
3. You might need to be controversial
If there is a massive lesson that I have learnt this year, this is it…
Be controversial and say what you think.
I have never really been controversial and am confident and comfortable enough now to actually say what I think. I look back over my content, and it is very vanilla. It is nice. It is positive. It certainly isn’t controversial and doesn’t talk about the big topics. The big ideas, and the big news.
Personally, I am now (after all these years) ready to share personal thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. 2023 is going to be a year focused on video, more than written content, and that will give me the platform to share more of myself and who I am. Which may get more or less views, who knows (refer to point 2 above).
My message to a first-time content creator would be to be real. Don’t try to please everyone, don’t try to be too professional and too proper. Just say it how it is. Don’t try to offend people, have the right intent, but if you are controversial, you will say things that aren’t popular. Just ask Dr Jordan B Peterson.
Please reach out if you need to talk about how to get started writing content.
And could you please do me a favour, and share this with leaders everywhere? This is an important topic for leaders.
And please click the image below if you’d like to chat about what leadership means to you.
If you would like to learn more about Anton or The Guinea Group, please click here to book into Anton’s calendar, to:
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About Anton
Anton has dedicated his working life to helping leaders to upgrade their mindset, upskill their leadership, and uplift their teams! With a focus on helps leaders to better lead under pressure. Anton is an entrepreneur, speaker, consultant, bestselling author and founder of The Guinea Group. Over the past 19 years, Anton has worked with over 175+ global organisations, he has inspired workplace leadership, safety, and cultural change. He’s achieved this by combining his corporate expertise, education (Bachelor of HR and Psychology), and infectious energy levels.
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