

August, 2023

Gain Fresh Insights: Three Ways Leaders Can Embrace New Perspectives

Yesterday, I was lucky enough to deliver a TEDx Talk on the power of perspective. And in that talk, I unpacked how to Upgrade (with resilience), Upskill (with reframing), and Uplift (with reassur Read More

August, 2023

Understanding the Pathways to Leadership: 3 Key Reasons People Become Leaders

How did you come to being a leader?   And more importantly, why did you choose leadership? Or did leadership choose you?   Are you a born leader?  Or was it by accident? Did your o Read More

August, 2023

Unveiling the Essence of Leadership: Beyond Authority 

Did you know that one of the most common Google searches about leadership is, ‘how is leadership different to authority”? This search is (according to the Answer the Public website), the 6th Read More

August, 2023

Why leaders should be doing planning sessions with their teams

One of my favourite activities as a leadership coach is to work with leaders and their teams, as part of planning sessions or strategy sessions. This week, I have facilitated two of those session Read More

August, 2023

Conscious Leadership explained in Academic Terms

I haven’t always like writing. Actually, for the first 12 years of my life, I couldn’t think of anything worse. I can remember in primary school not being able to piece a story together. Mind Read More

August, 2023

Paying my respect to the Defence Forces

I was presenting a leadership training program recently, and as I did the acknowledgement of country as part of the introduction to our session, one of the attendees asked if I was going to also Read More

August, 2023

3 ways to turn around a team in turmoil

I am a leadership coach, and I help leaders to develop high performing and psychologically safe teams. Fortunately, most of the work that comes our way, is to help teams who are already high perf Read More

July, 2023

Dealing with the subcommittee quandary

One of the biggest challenges that leaders face is the subcommittee. The subcommittee includes those team members that aren’t courageous enough to speak up in meetings. And then they take the m Read More

July, 2023

3 ways to be better at recognising the performance of your team

We all crave recognition. And you might think you don’t, but you do. You might just crave it less than the person next to you. But we all, not only need recognition. We crave it. Like sugar or Read More

July, 2023

The key skills of the Construction CEO

Working with construction company CEOs or senior leaders is our jam. I love construction, I love the people in the industry, and the I love the leaders running the businesses that build or mainta Read More