

February, 2022

Courage – What is it and why does it matter?

Courage is the ability to act when you don’t want to. And because without it, fear will stop you from ever moving forward with purpose. Full stop.  If there is one thing we know about lead Read More

February, 2022

Because Humans are the Key Concern. Always

Boom! You’re a leader, and you’ve just had a catastrophe. The economy has blown up. The plant has blown up. Your life has blown up. What do you do? Here are the three most common responses fr Read More

February, 2022

How I survived a leadership role I wasn’t ready for

I thought I was ready. Some thought I was ready. Ready for a demanding leadership role. But I wasn’t. Not even close. I took the role anyway. And pretty much failed. Can leadership be learned o Read More

stressed leader putting pressure on team
February, 2022

Don’t Let the Pressure Win

If leaders could only see themselves. When they are carrying on like pork chops, and berating their people, just because they can. It can look like the 4-year-old having temper tantrum because mu Read More

February, 2022

Because responding is more important than reacting

My old boss would go red, his veins would pop out of his head, and he would literally explode in rage, with venom, and aggression. Don’t be like my old boss. It is not a cool look. And it hurts Read More

getting perspective
February, 2022

The Art of Putting Things in Perspective

Is the world really going to implode, or could you put things into perspective? Understand that this pain or situation is temporary, and that emotional control is more important than blowing this Read More

January, 2022

Dealing with bullies in business suits

Corporate bullying is an issue in corporate Australia. HRM Solutions (and Safe Work Australia – SWA) has found that “Australia has the sixth-highest rate of workplace bullying when compar Read More

January, 2022

Pressure, we all have it, but do you know how to lead through it …

Some leaders that just seem to have it all together. No matter what happens. They stay calm, the don’t react (or appear to), they don’t fly off the handle, and they seem to just ‘take it al Read More

January, 2022

The stress versus duress quandary

So, you are feeling under pressure right now. My coaching clients are talking about the COVID-19 ‘crisis’ that they are dealing with. Including how do they keep their workplaces safe; how do Read More

Gratitude, Happiness, Resilience, Relationships
January, 2022

Being grateful is part of building your resilience (and more)

There are people on the planet that would love your life. They would love the freedom that you have, the health that you have, the relationships that you have, and even the struggles that you hav Read More