

January, 2022

Personal psychological safety is critical for leaders in 2022

For the past two to three years, I have worked in, written about, and talked about psychological safety with leaders everywhere. We have helped leaders create psychologically safe teams. And, phy Read More

Anton Guinea sitting at a table
January, 2022

Finding Myself. The Real Stuff

This year is my 50th on planet earth, and on October 24 of this year, I will no longer be in my 40s. For me, that will be a major milestone, and one that I am already thinking about… or maybe s Read More

January, 2022

Are you experiencing high stress? or are you managing your cortisol?

So, this could be a very long article and as we start the year, it’s important to understand what we may encounter over the year. The body of research that has been done to try and understa Read More

January, 2022

Is the ‘Great Resignation’ really a thing… and can leaders address it?

My favourite source of up to date and topical business information is McKinsey and Company. Yes, there are a range of others that provide a great commentary on all the important business and lead Read More

December, 2021

My Predictions for Leadership in 2022

As we close out the year that was in our lives, our roles, or our businesses, we reflect on the year that was. We reflect on what happened, what we achieved, and who inspired us. And why. Part of Read More

December, 2021

Predictions for Safety in 2022

My prediction for 2022 is that fatality rates will continue to reduce. Read More

December, 2021

Leading while away from family during the holidays

As a younger man, I had to work on Christmas Day, or on similar days during what should be family time for everyone. That was tough. It was hard to be at work, to really focus on what I had to do Read More

December, 2021

Focus on people not processes

I’ve just finished a webinar on the low pressure way to lead into 2022 and one of the key takeaways was that to grow a business, you must grow the people in the business. The way that a lea Read More

December, 2021

A Low Pressure 2022 Starts With Focusing On People Not Processes …

Low pressure leadership in 2022 (or any year for that matter) is about understanding that you grow a business by growing the people in the business. It is the people that grow the business, and t Read More

December, 2021

Leadership doesn’t stop for the Christmas Party!!!

It is the time of year to be merry. It is the time of year that we eat and drink more. It is the time of year that we have a party to celebrate the arrival of the festive season. And it is the ti Read More