

September, 2022

The care factor strategy for leaders

In 2020, John Mackey wrote the book ‘Conscious Leadership’. In that book (one of my faves), Mackey talked about how he used love, compassion, and human qualities to build the business ‘Whol Read More

September, 2022

Anton, I’m not a narcissist, am I?

I got asked that very question in a leadership coaching session recently.  By a leader who had been told that they are a narcissist.   Which isn’t that uncommon in 2022, as more Read More

August, 2022

What does the word LEADERS really mean

In a recent post, I unpacked the concept of leadership mandates, and what they are (values alignment, transformational leadership, and created conscious control). These are critical elements of l Read More

August, 2022

The story of the king and his dogs

Story time. My favourite time, by the way. Love a good yarn, especially when there is a leadership message in there.  Now, you have a job to do, though.  As I tell you this story, I wan Read More

August, 2022

How to use metacognition to be a better leader

In 2022, when I mention the word meta, you could be forgiven for thinking about Facebook, and Mark Zuckerberg. During the second half of 2021, CEO and major shareholder, Zuckerberg, announced the Read More

August, 2022

How to apply the BIG 3 leadership mandates

Leadership can be challenging. It can be rewarding. After parenting, it is the most important job on planet earth (sorry first responders, and teachers). And it takes a range of skills and experi Read More

August, 2022

How to face it (not fake it) until you make it

I’m just not a big fan of faking it. I have had to in the past, for sure, but I would much rather do the prep. Do the work. Do the thinking. And then, I’ll get up, dress up, and show up. And Read More

August, 2022

How to adopt a problem focused coping style to deal with stress

We all cope with stressful situations differently. Depending on the level and the nature of the stressful situation, or event. Over the past several decades researchers have identified the main c Read More

August, 2022

How to elevate your LMX

The quality of a leader will be determined by the quality of the exchanges that they have with their team members (also known as Leader Member Exchange, or LMX). LMX as a theory has been research Read More

August, 2022

How to not commit the cardinal sin of leadership

The cardinal sin of leadership is not doing one-on-ones (1:1) with your team members. Even worse than that is scheduling those meetings every week, fortnight, or month, and either not attending o Read More