

March, 2024

Elevating your Leadership: 3 Ways to Embrace Courage

Leadership can be scary. Leadership can be lonely. Leadership can be challenging. It can also be highly rewarding, if you have the courage to face the situations, circumstances, and even people, Read More

March, 2024

Leadership Insights: Navigating Turmoil Within Teams

As a leadership coach, I have seen teams explode. Explode in a good way, into high performance and high output. I have seen them start in turmoil and turn everything around. Teams in turmoil requ Read More

March, 2024

Leadership Insights: Navigating Complexity

As leaders, we often find ourselves confronted with intricate challenges that demand innovative solutions and strategic thinking. Here are three essential strategies to effectively manage complex Read More

March, 2024

Effective Communication – The Leadership Cornerstone

The topic of effective communication never gets old. It is as important at work, as it is outside of work. It is crucial for leaders, and it is an essential part of building strong relationships. Read More

March, 2024

Enhancing Collaboration – 3 Strategies for Collaborative Leadership

Collaboration is an essential part of good decision making. It is also slower, it takes effort, and it takes a willingness to have a discussion prior to making the decision. It also requires an o Read More

March, 2024

Elevating Team Performance – Three Strategies for Enhanced Business Insight

How much does your team know about your business. About your business goals and vision. About your culture. About your history. About your back stories. About your successes. About your failures. Read More

February, 2024

Upgrade your Team – Attract Top Talent

In 2024, the labour market favours employees. It is supply and demand – the business cycle. There are more jobs than there are people. There is more work to do than people to do the work. Which Read More

February, 2024

Mastering Ambiguity – 3 Leadership Strategies

Managing ambiguity would be one of the biggest challenges for leaders at all levels. For most people, things aren’t clear or obvious. They aren’t black and white (unless you are in Engineerin Read More

February, 2024

Empower Your Team: 3 Ways Leaders Foster Action Orientation

As a leader, one gripe you may have will relate to the level of action orientation of your team members. Some will be high on the scale of action orientation, and others not so much. For those th Read More

February, 2024

Elevating Accountability: Three Strategies for Leaders

Accountability is a challenge for some leaders. Both taking personal accountability (and responsibility – see my post last week on Extreme Ownership) and creating accountable team members. I’ Read More