

February, 2024

How to cope with pressure when things go BOOM 

The human species is developed to cope. We have survived millions of years of catastrophic events. We have even survived when other species of hominids didn’t. We are resilient, and we are cope Read More

February, 2024

Taking Extreme Ownership: Key to Leadership Success

If you only have one strategy as a leader, let it be this – take extreme ownership. Take radical responsibility. Take ultimate accountability. Own it. It is no secret that I love the book by th Read More

February, 2024

Inspiring Leadership: Crafting a Vision for Your Team’s Success

We have all been told that having a vision is a big part of leadership. Yes it is. But what is it really, and how do you get one of these so called visions. Well you think forward a year or two, Read More

February, 2024

Elevating Your Leadership: Embracing Systems Thinking for Organisational Success

Systems leadership is the most important thing you can do to elevate your leadership outcomes. It is a process, but more importantly, it is a mindset.  Systems leadership was first introduce Read More

January, 2024

Mastering Task Allocation: A Leader’s Guide to Effectiveness 

Stop delegating and start allocating. No one (or most team members) like being delegated to. They find delegation degrading. The word itself has a negative connotation. Leaders don’t even like Read More

January, 2024

The 3 Strategies for CEO Effectiveness 

Getting appointed as a CEO is a big deal. Being an effective CEO is an even bigger deal. And I work with a lot of CEOs (and the C-Suite), to work through how to continue to develop their business Read More

January, 2024

Unlocking Leadership Potential for Introverts: 3 Proven Strategies 

I have met a lot of introverted leaders. And this is something that I never thought I would say (as an extroverted extrovert 😊), they make the best leaders. Yes, and contrary to popular belief Read More

January, 2024

Leading for Development: Embracing Transformational Leadership

In 1978, James MacGregor Burns wrote a book titled “Leadership”. It is still the seminal work on the topic for many students of leadership and for leaders. It was a 530 page book, that wo Read More

January, 2024

Cultivating Transparency: A Guide for Leaders

“Sorry, I can’t share that with you.” “That information is not public knowledge”. “I really want to tell you more”. Just reflect for a moment on how you feel when your leaders use p Read More

January, 2024

Elevating Team Excellence: Recognising and Rewarding High Performers

A 2013 Study on employee engagement finds 70% of workers don’t need monetary rewards to feel motivated. Make Their Day Research Firm and Badgeville shed light on driving the best work out o Read More