

January, 2024

Cultivating Psychological Safety: 3 Vital Strategies for Leaders

The life of a leader is changing. Leadership is being misconstrued as bullying. Languaging matters. The fear of offending is real. 2024 leadership is not 1900s leadership. The requirements of lea Read More

January, 2024

Elevate Your Leadership Presence: Why Creating Social Media Content Matters

You made it. You are there. You’ve done it. You’ve made it to the holiday season … hopefully in one piece … With the festive season upon us, it’s crucial for leaders to prioritise o Read More

January, 2024

Unlock your Leadership Success: 3 Key Strategies for Goal Achievement in 2024

Another Wednesday. Another new year. Another chance to reset and refocus. To reinvigorate your team, and your results. But what will that take? What will you do differently in 2024. Maybe nothing Read More

December, 2023

Unwinding and Unloading: 5 Essential Strategies for Leaders this Christmas

You made it. You are there. You’ve done it. You’ve made it to the holiday season … hopefully in one piece …  With the festive season upon us, it’s crucial for leaders to priori Read More

December, 2023

Elevate Your Remote Leadership: Top 3 Proven Tips for Success

Do you lead a remote team? If you do, good for you. It means that you embraced an element of flexibility with your teams. If you are not managing remote teams, the likelihood is that meeting soft Read More

December, 2023

Mastering Adaptability: 3 Essential Traits of Adaptive Leadership

“We fear change because it means that outcomes are unknown. Our brains are designed to find peace in knowing. When we don’t know what will happen, we make up scenarios and, in turn, Read More

December, 2023

What leadership topics are of interest right now?

Chat GPT rocks. It is such a powerful tool. For a business owner, it provides amazing assistance. For a leader, it provides even more assistance. Every time you have a tough challenge, Chat GPT i Read More

December, 2023

Leadership Success: Mastering the Art of the Coaching Conversation

A number of our workshops recently, have included training for leaders on the art (skill) of conducting difficult conversations (or robust conversations, or courageous conversations, or whatever Read More

December, 2023

Cultivating Authentic Leadership: 3 Strategies for Genuine Connection

One of the hot topics that keeps coming up in my coaching and training programs is authenticity in leadership. Being genuine. And even better, being genuinely happy. Some leaders struggle with th Read More

November, 2023

Decoding Leadership: The Neuroscience Advantage

Once upon a time the only science that I really understood was the science of electricity. You see, I was an Electrician (not a great one, but a qualified tradesperson, nevertheless). Until one d Read More