

March, 2023

Leadership versus management won’t go away

This just does not go away. Leadership versus management. It has been around forever and looks like it will be around for years to come.   Why do I say that? Because you can quickly fin Read More

March, 2023

The real meaning of collaboration for leaders

I did a session yesterday, for an amazing client. One of the big topics was collaboration. Why, because collaboration is associated with great teamwork and alignment. Absolutely. But it’s a bro Read More

March, 2023

How to uplift a team’s performance

Dysfunctional teams suck. They really do. I have been coaching leaders and teams now for what feels like a lifetime, and I have seen first-hand the impact that dysfunction has on team members. I Read More

March, 2023

Why Confucius should be every leaders idol

In their book, ‘The 100 Most Influential Leaders of all Time’, Britannica lists their guide to the 100 people who have had the biggest influence on others. And on us. This is one of my favour Read More

March, 2023

How you can upskill as a leader, and why you should

Only 10% of the hoomanz on planet Earth are born with leadership skills. The rest of us (like me) have to learn them. The good news is that they can be learnt, the bad news is that most people co Read More

March, 2023

Navigating the impartiality of leadership

Not so great leaders struggle to be impartial. They make decisions that benefit the few. They have the purple circle, and they are focused more on their own needs (like being popular), rather tha Read More

March, 2023

Why your purpose trumps your profile

If you have a big enough purpose, you will find a way through or around any challenge.  Nothing will stop you. I have been doing a resilience training program for two days, and one element o Read More

February, 2023

Embrace the complexity of humans, but how

Fun fact. Every human is a unique creature. There are no two humans the same on the planet. Every single human is a complex amalgam of personality styles, behavioural characteristics, and experie Read More

February, 2023

Only great leaders understand these responsibility accountability distinctions

I was never a great leader (I’m great at coaching though ????), but a great leader once took time to explain to me the difference between responsibility and accountability. And it wasn’t unti Read More

February, 2023

Stop duding it up bro, it’s uncool

These are not my words. They are the words of a senior female leader. Who is the only female on an all-male leadership team. When I asked how her team was performing, she told me that she was ove Read More