How to lead like William Wallace
Since the day I watched the movie Braveheart, I have never looked at leadership the same way. It was such a revelation, in its own way. You see, I probably don’t watch movies like most people d Read More
Anton Guinea
Entrepreneur, Speaker, bestselling author, and founder of The Guinea Group of Companies. For over 15 years, Anton has helped leaders move their teams to become psychologically safe, physically safe and overall better versions of themselves.
Since the day I watched the movie Braveheart, I have never looked at leadership the same way. It was such a revelation, in its own way. You see, I probably don’t watch movies like most people d Read More
During 2002, I was in charge of the maintenance of an industrial plant that was part of a smelter in New South Wales. It was 3pm on a Friday afternoon. I had done some calculations to determine h Read More
On 28 January 1986, NASA made the decision to launch The Challenger. That decision resulted in what is called to this day, ‘the Challenger disaster.’ What was the Challenger Read More
Recently, I got an email from a coaching client, who expressed how grateful they were that we had ‘a real conversation’. It was my first session with this client, and it was great feedback to Read More
Lawrence Edward Page was born on 26 March 1973, in Lansing, Michigan, USA. Larry Page had an unusual beginning. His parents were both professors in the field of computing. Dr Carl Victor Page, La Read More
On August 5, 2010, a mine cave-in trapped 33 miners 700 metres underground. It would take 17 days for rescuers to establish communications with the trapped workers (with a note taped Read More
As a leader coach, I hear the words ‘old school’ leader and ‘new age leader’, regularly. I coach a mix of both types of leaders, and if I was to describe the difference between the two, i Read More
One of my takes on leadership is that we don’t spend enough time reflecting on the leaders that we have had in the past (or present) and learning from them. We have all had (or have) outstandin Read More
I have had some great leaders. One of my favourite leaders of all time is a personal called Pat (let’s use that name – it happens to be their real name ?). Pat was the human that shared with Read More
In January 2020, just before the pandemic whipped up its frenzy, Facebook started sending me ads for a thing called Remarkable. The metaverse must have been listening to my conversations (or Read More