

April, 2022

False Expectations Appearing Real

Recently, I had an experience that scared the crapola out of me. I thought my life was in danger. And there was no real need to experience that FEAR (aka false expectations appearing real)! Hereâ Read More

April, 2022

Why your DISC profile is more important than you might think

Fun fact – the same person who developed the character of Wonder Woman also developed DISC profiling. I know, how cool. Dr William Moulton was a psychologist, lawyer, and comic book writer. He Read More

April, 2022

The subtle art of trusting yourself to stay in control and to not lose it under pressure

When you look at some leaders, you can tell that they don’t have self-control and they’re not credible. Their catch line is to ‘do as I say, not as I do’… leaving you never quit Read More

April, 2022

Managing your time, and caring for your team, all at the same time

The 2022 leader arrives at the office… They’re greeted with a new and long list of unread emails, and cannot possibly understand how they all came in overnight. Before they sit down, thei Read More

April, 2022

If you want something done, you must do it yourself… is so 2000s

I went from being a stressed leader to a calm leader by working out that I couldn’t do everything myself. And that I didn’t have to. My team is capable, and courageous. They can do things tha Read More

April, 2022

How Princess Elsa managed her ‘amygdala hijack’ in Frozen

Princess Elsa understands leadership, and how to control her emotions. And how to control her ice-making superpower. Especially when she gets out of control. Or at least now she does.  The m Read More

April, 2022

How courageous are you?

“Courageous leaders can create a culture of trust and respect, which makes those around them be prepared to follow them. This all creates a recipe for success, development, and evolution within Read More

April, 2022

The fine art of facilitation for leaders

In 2004 I shared with my amazing wife that I had quit my job and decided to become a ‘Motivational Speaker’. She was not overly impressed, to say the least. Especially for the first few years Read More

April, 2022

Why being a leader is like being Spiderman

Once upon a time, there was a young man named Peter. Peter had some tragedies in his life. He lost his parents, aged 4, in a plane crash and was raised by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben. More tragedy Read More

March, 2022

The Chris Rock reaction was a lesson in self control

This morning I got asked by a leader to unpack the saga that was played out between Chris Rock and Will Smith at the Oscars this week. Which will go down in history as the slapping event that occ Read More