

December, 2020

Safety Leadership: The Impact of transformational leadership on safety outcomes

In 2010, Jane E. Mullen and E. Kevin Kelloway studied 54 leaders from 21 health care organisations, with the goal of unpacking if leadership training (more than just front lin Read More

December, 2020

Achieving Zero Harm by being a Psychological Safety Leader!

At its most basic level, psychological safety is about emotional safety, physical safety, and safe decision making. It is about empowering people to express themselves, without fear of reprisal, Read More

December, 2020

The Real Cost and ROI of Toolbox Talks in Australia Each Day

According to my (very, very conservative) estimates, Australian industry spends in excess of $23 Million on Tool box talks every single work day. And, that is just the time cost of the attendees. Read More

November, 2020

I was asked for my opinions on Men, Leadership and Society

Being a ManBeing a LeaderBeing real, open and vulnerable Recently, I was asked by the amazing Annette Densham, from The Audacious Agency, about what is like being a ‘man’. It made me think ab Read More

November, 2020

Why our community leaders need to understand their responsibility

Hot off the press of Chef Pete Evans’s fall from grace, and the same day that Channel 9 CEO Hugh Marks tendered his resignation, I just wonder if our ‘community’ leaders understand just how Read More

November, 2020

The Sociality of Safety

What is psychological safety, at its most basic level? Yes, it is about emotional safety, physical safety, and safe decision making … And… Put simply, psychological safety is ‘S Read More

October, 2020

Have you ever learnt the hard way?

Most leaders have. And, most kids have. Leaders get lessons by dealing with people situations and working out what works.? Kids get lessons by doing stupid stuff.? But, when it is your own kids, Read More

October, 2020

The ‘Plight of the Wildebeest’

(Aka the toughest leadership lesson I ever learnt) One of the reasons that I now do leadership work is that I experienced crap leaders in the workforce. I felt that I could make just that little Read More

October, 2020

As a leader, how do you feel and think about yourself!

Of all of the questions that I ask leaders (and there are a lot – for anyone that knows anything about coaching – all coaches really do is ask questions) – this one is by far the most impor Read More

September, 2020

What state did they fly you in from???

So, for context:  I was presenting a session in my home town of Gladstone, Queensland, recently, and one of the session participants pulled me aside at one of the breaks, and asked me the qu Read More