

November, 2023

Upgrade your Leadership: Three Key Practices for Self-Care and Team Success

There is so much expected of leaders in 2023. Especially at this time of the year. In my conversations with leaders, I am hearing more and more about how much work there is to do. Either simply d Read More

November, 2023

3 Compelling Reasons to attend Leadership Training

Too many leaders have never done leadership training. Which is why I do what I do. To change that. I spend some of every day and every week, trying to convince leaders about the importance of lea Read More

November, 2023

Achieving Consistent Outcomes: 3 Key Strategies for Effective Leadership

On Sunday, I completed my 14th straight Noosa Triathlon. I’ve never really been able to compete, but I have always completed. It is a non-negotiable for me, on this same weekend ever year … w Read More

November, 2023

3 Critical Focus Areas for a Senior Leadership Team

Want to upgrade your organisation, upgrade your senior leadership team (SLT)! Your SLT is the driving force for your business, and they are crucial to the success of the organisation. Their key r Read More

October, 2023

Navigating Leadership in the Age of a Younger Workforce

There are around 11.9 million people employed in Australia. More than two thirds are employed full time, while 46 per cent are female. Around 39 per cent of workers are aged 45 years and ove Read More

October, 2023

3 Crucial Tips for Managing Upward to Protect Your Team

Managing upwards is a big deal for leaders. It is crucial if you are going to (insert your word here… protect, care for, support) your team. Leaders need their leader’s support to be effectiv Read More

October, 2023

Another 3 Words That Leaders Should Avoid 

Last week, I wrote a post on three words that leaders should never say. Those were impossible, fault, and just. Well, there are three more.   The words ‘always’, ‘never’ and ‘ Read More

October, 2023

3 Words Leaders Should Avoid 

Your language matters. Your words matter. Your statements matter.  Language goes straight to the emotional part of our brain. It impacts people’s psychology instantly. It turns people on. Read More

October, 2023

Elevating Your Career: 3 Key Considerations Before Pursuing a Promotion

A lot of the leaders that I coach are trying to progress their career. And rightly so. Career aspiration is a positive aspect of the journey for a vast number of our team members, and leaders. So Read More

October, 2023

The 3 Biggest Mistakes Leaders Make: And How to Avoid Them

Got this statement and question recently. You train all the good stuff. You give us all the skills. But what are the pitfalls of leadership? What are the biggest mistakes that leaders make?  Read More