
Leaders with Influence

April, 2022

If you want something done, you must do it yourself… is so 2000s

I went from being a stressed leader to a calm leader by working out that I couldn’t do everything myself. And that I didn’t have to. My team is capable, and courageous. They can do things tha Read More

April, 2022

How Princess Elsa managed her ‘amygdala hijack’ in Frozen

Princess Elsa understands leadership, and how to control her emotions. And how to control her ice-making superpower. Especially when she gets out of control. Or at least now she does.  The m Read More

April, 2022

Why being a leader is like being Spiderman

Once upon a time, there was a young man named Peter. Peter had some tragedies in his life. He lost his parents, aged 4, in a plane crash and was raised by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben. More tragedy Read More

March, 2022

When is now the right time to stop procrastinating?

I have written 10,000 words of my next book. And they are great – really. But every time I go to write the rest of it, the fridge needs cleaning. Or I suddenly feel the urge to go for a run. Or Read More

March, 2022

Why a safe space is more than psychological safety

Amy Edmondson called it psychological safety. Simon Sinek called it a safe place. We call it a safe space. Same, same, but different.  In our leading under pressure model, and with the suppo Read More

March, 2022

Emotional Consistency is not emotional suppression

If I was to do a straw poll of our coaching clients, and I asked them the one thing that they value from their leader, one common answer would be (and yes, we have asked) emotional consistency. O Read More

February, 2022

The key skill for leading under pressure

The key skill for leading under pressure is empathy. And for those who have heard that before, read on, because not a lot of people really understand what empathy is. In a related blog post (What Read More

February, 2022

Why do most people never learn emotional literacy?

We are born. We go to school. We mature physically. That is sexual maturation. We leave school. We go to work or university. And we think we have reached emotional maturation. Even though we have Read More

February, 2022

Courage – What is it and why does it matter?

Courage is the ability to act when you don’t want to. And because without it, fear will stop you from ever moving forward with purpose. Full stop.  If there is one thing we know about lead Read More

February, 2022

Because Humans are the Key Concern. Always

Boom! You’re a leader, and you’ve just had a catastrophe. The economy has blown up. The plant has blown up. Your life has blown up. What do you do? Here are the three most common responses fr Read More