

May, 2023

Leadership in the 21st century

I was taught about leadership in the 1900s. I was not a leader in the last century, but I certainly had leaders during that time. And most of them were what we would now call old school. &nb Read More

May, 2023

Can leadership be taught

Leadership can be taught. On one condition. A big condition.  That the leader is willing to learn. Willing to upgrade their mindset. Willing to upskill on leadership, and willing to work har Read More

May, 2023

The motivation versus inspiration quandary

Let’s start with a big question. Who inspires your to be the best version of yourself?   Notice the question, who inspires you? There is a presupposition in that question – the pres Read More

April, 2023

How to fail forward into perpetual momentum

Life goes boom for all of us at some stage. Yes, it will happen to us all. If life hasn’t gone boom, yet, the chances are that it will. When you least expect it. But the boom doesn’t need to Read More

April, 2023

When leadership fails

Most people are not born leaders. And others will always struggle with leadership. Some people tell me that there are people in leadership roles that will never be successful as a leader. I take Read More

April, 2023

How to turn your pain into your purpose

Once upon a time, there was a young man living in regional Queensland. That young man finished his Apprentice training and became qualified as an electrician.  On the completion of that appr Read More

April, 2023

Why leadership development is important

As a young leader, I was not equipped for the requirements of the role. I was not ready for what it took, I was not able to deal with the challenges it presented. And I didn’t work for organisa Read More

March, 2023

What leadership style am I

I am a good leader… now… I wasn’t in the early days of my leadership journey. I am one of the 90% of hoomanz on planet earth who aren’t born leaders. I am a bred leader. Through and throu Read More

March, 2023

Why leadership is important

Leadership changes lives. Leadership unlocks humans. Leadership changes the planet. It is a big deal. Just think of your favourite leader, and how much they meant to you. That is why leadership i Read More

March, 2023

Where leadership starts

Before we think about where leadership starts, let’s think about where it finishes. I don’t think it ever does finish. Leader in work, leader out of work. Leaders are always on show. People a Read More