

November, 2022

How to be ok with boring

I could not work out how one of my clients just kept their stuff together. Always. Never lost it. Ever. So cool, calm, and collected. Unlike me (at times). My emotions seem to fluctuate wildly, a Read More

November, 2022

The old man and his grandson, is a leadership story

Have you heard of Cinderella? Have you heard of Rapunzel? Have you heard of Snow White?   Me too, though have you head of The Brothers Grimm? Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, the two brothers Read More

November, 2022

What leaders can learn from Iron War

An ironman triathlon is arguably the toughest one-day endurance event on planet Earth. Ironman started in 1979, with three athletes arguing (over a beer of course) about who the fittest athlete w Read More

November, 2022

As a leader, who are you becoming?

I was not a nice human when I was younger. I was angry, had a log (not a chip) on both shoulders, and was very quick to escalate a conversation. From controlled to crazy out of control. Highly em Read More

November, 2022

How to lean into men’s mental health

This week, I was lucky enough to share some of my insights into men’s mental health at a men’s circle event at Agnes Water. The issue of men’s mental health is a major issue in Australia, m Read More

November, 2022

Why you should increase your senior leadership team’s bandwidth and how

“Why can’t we ever get anything completed” … a distraught senior leader asked me during a coaching session. As a senior leadership team, we seem to get a lot of things started, but we nev Read More

November, 2022

How to navigate the challenges of leadership in heavy industry

Leadership can be tough at the best of times. But when you add an old school culture, changing technology, and a diverse workforce, leadership gets even harder. This is what leaders in heavy indu Read More

October, 2022

How to use systems leadership to upgrade you team

Systems leadership was made famous by MacDonald, Burke, and Stewart, in the book of the same name. That book unpacked the key elements of systems leadership and described the elements of human de Read More

October, 2022

How to upgrade your leadership team

Most of our work is with the leader, and their team. The leadership team. And after many years, and many clients working with senior teams, we know there are some key things that just work, when Read More

October, 2022

How to be a good human and a good leader

I was not a nice human when I was younger. I was angry, had a log (not a chip) on both shoulders, and was very quick to escalate a conversation. From controlled to crazy out of control. Highly em Read More