

August, 2022

How to elevate your LMX

The quality of a leader will be determined by the quality of the exchanges that they have with their team members (also known as Leader Member Exchange, or LMX). LMX as a theory has been research Read More

August, 2022

How to not commit the cardinal sin of leadership

The cardinal sin of leadership is not doing one-on-ones (1:1) with your team members. Even worse than that is scheduling those meetings every week, fortnight, or month, and either not attending o Read More

August, 2022

How to make Challenger Safety a thing in your team

In the book ‘The Four Stages of Psychological Safety’, Timothy R Clark unpacks how to develop a team that feels safe to challenge the norms. Challenger safety is the fourth and final rung on Read More

July, 2022

How to develop Emotional Intelligence and why

In the 1920’s, the thinking was that your IQ determined your success in life and at work. In the 2020’s, it’s a different story. In 2022, your Emotional Intelligence (EI or EQ) matters. “ Read More

July, 2022

How to really use your DISC profile

We have administered a ton of DISC profiles over the last however many years, and it is one of my favourite leadership coaching activities. To help people understand themselves, and to under Read More

July, 2022

How to cope with pressure when things go BOOM

The human species is developed to cope. We have survived millions of years of catastrophic events. We have even survived when other species of hominids didn’t. We are resilient, and we are cope Read More

July, 2022

How to be resilient when leading under pressure

Resilience is not just about coping. Resilience is about being ready to cope when you need to. There is a great definition of resilience, from Jurie Rossouw, who defines it as ‘advancing despit Read More

July, 2022

How do you deal with a team in turmoil?

Recently, I wrote a post about leaders who want to make their high performing team even higher performing. Most of my work is with these teams – teams who are in good shape, and who are trying Read More

July, 2022

How to apply the platinum rule of communication

Most people have heard of the Golden Rule. Which is the principle of “treating others as we would like to be treated”. This is a simple premise that was first noted in the big book that was p Read More

July, 2022

How do you deal with a BOOM event, as a leader?

There will be times in a leader’s life when things go BOOM. When there is a critical or a crisis event that needs to be coordinated and managed. An event that throws the leader’s life or team Read More