

August, 2020

You Can’t Lead Someone That You Need

In the past, as I look back on my leadership journey, if there was one mistake I made (and repeated even) it was trying to lead someone who I needed.  What this means, is that I was so worri Read More

July, 2020

Leaders – What does success look like for you???

So, I was getting interviewed today, and I was asked the question ‘what does success look like for me’. My answer was around getting the opportunity to share my gifts with the world! The more Read More

July, 2020

Leadership without Authority

Here is a question for you – how good are you at influencing others (and getting things done through others), when you are not in a position of authority, and you need to influence, rather than Read More

July, 2020

What does your behaviour say about your brand, and your values!

Recently, I was in a workshop, where we were building a Team Charter, that was about how the team were going to work together, what they were committed to doing, and what they would hold each oth Read More

July, 2020

Leadership with Integrity

I have written (and spoken) a lot about values, recently. The first time that I heard about the importance of values was when I was studying Human Resource Management, in the 1990’s and they we Read More

July, 2020

How Does a Strong Leader Grow a Business??? Let’s ask Sheena!

I recently interviewed Sheena, an amazing General Manager, and she is growing a successful business, and she has been willing to share some of her secrets to success.  Have a passi Read More

June, 2020

As a Strong Leader, What Does Leadership Mean to You???

This is a question that I regularly ask leaders, in an attempt to both learn from them, and to find out how they are able to achieve what they have by leading their teams to greatness!  Shee Read More

June, 2020

Leadership is a Conversation

I was recently interviewed by one of my clients and was asked very specifically to quickly and simply define leadership. No mean feat, given the amount of information out there on the topic, and Read More

June, 2020

Let Their Light Shine – People’s Potential

There is so much potential in people …   As leaders, we help people to let their light shine!   And, as a leader coach, I do the same thing! My biggest success story as a le Read More

May, 2020

Are Leadership and Management Different?

Are Leadership and Management different ?? I think the short answer is a big YES …  And, how they are different are fairly simple in nature (more detailed in practice) and put simply, lead Read More