

January, 2023

The top 3 leadership challenges in 2023 and beyond

2023 is going to be tough for leaders. It will be fraught with challenges in the IT space, in the employee wellbeing space, and in the diversity and flexibility space. Leaders need to be ready to Read More

December, 2022

What I learnt from writing 100 pieces of content this year

I used to suck at writing content. I used to suck at being consistent with it. And I used to suck at being confident to put things out there into the content-verse. Because it is hard to do all o Read More

December, 2022

How to close the year out as a senior leader

I have tried everything as a business owner at year’s end. We have closed early, we have worked right up to Christmas Eve, we have done something in between. All the while with a focus on our t Read More

December, 2022

Leading leaders is the biggest leadership challenge

I went from leading a team to leading leaders. I’ll never forget how hard that was. Really, really, hard. Here I was, leading great humans that lead their own teams, and have their own styles a Read More

December, 2022

How to be more attuned as a C-Suite team, and why

C-Suite teams are living entities, which grow and reshape themselves over time. That growth is sometimes forced. Forced through the engagement of a new CEO, the implementation of a new Read More

December, 2022

What leadership means to me

I am feeling reflective. I am feeling like answering some big questions. For myself, as much as for my audience. I am feeling like unpacking what leadership means to me. And why.   And Read More

December, 2022

How to talk to people who don’t listen

The one thing that frustrates leaders everywhere, is leading team members that don’t listen. Team members that nod encouragingly, then do something else. Or that just don’t seem to hear what Read More

December, 2022

How to send a team member off the right way

I didn’t have many jobs before I quit work to start my own business. When I think back on the roles I did have, the two periods that I remember most are the engagement period and the exit perio Read More

November, 2022

How to do allocation vs delegation

One common senior leader challenge is, doing all the work themselves. And not delegating. Or even worse, micro-managing. Which is a recipe for disaster. And burnout. And pressure. But it doesn Read More

November, 2022

How to be a stoic leader

One of the words that I hear more and more often now is the word ‘stoic’. And that people are trying to be more stoic. Or be like the stoics, the great stoic philosophers (Epictetus, Seneca, Read More