

July, 2023

How do you keep your energy up as a leader?

So, you have run out of energy.   Hoomaning is taking its toll on you, and you don’t think you will be able to get through the day. You are doing all the right stuff (or not) like getting Read More

July, 2023

Difficult conversations are still difficult 

The year was 2023. And it was last week. And I was doing leadership training, as I do. And the leaders in the group brought up the topic of difficult conversations. And so they should. Because di Read More

July, 2023

Managing someone out of the business is a thing

Yes. It is a thing. It is not a great thing. But it is a thing. And it still happens.   I remember being a young leader and being asked to do just that. To manage someone out of the bus Read More

July, 2023

What are the 2020s leadership styles and why do they matter 

The year was 1996. I had just recovered from a major workplace accident that could have claimed my life. The day that I got out of the burn’s unit (about 5 weeks after the accident), I intervie Read More

June, 2023

Succession Planning should be a key leader focus

The year was 1998, and I was lucky enough at the time to have gotten my first job as a Maintenance Planner at Santos Limited. I was only employed by Santos for about two years, but I learnt so mu Read More

June, 2023

The story of the dog at the front door 

The year was 2020, and it was a normal day in Gladstone. Mrs G and I had just turned in for the evening. We were having a conversation about our day and were drifting towards drowsiness. And Read More

June, 2023

What being made redundant taught me about leadership

The year was 2003, and on my way to the refinery that I (and hundreds of others) worked at, I found out that it was being shut down. And everyone would be made redundant that day. Nothing like th Read More

June, 2023

What does being an authentic leader really mean?

The year was 2003, and I had just been made redundant. For the first time in my life. Until that point, I had never been “let go” in any capacity from a job. So it was a bit of a blow. Not co Read More

June, 2023

Competition in your leadership team, or front-line teams, can be positive

The year was 1891, and The Congregation of Christian Brothers had an issue. The Brothers had built and ran a school (St Joseph’s) on Gregory Terrace in Brisbane city. It was an all-boys school Read More

June, 2023

Transformational leadership is still a thing

The year was 1978. The author was James McGregor Burns. The book was titled simply “Leadership”. In that book, Burns unpacked the difference between transactional leadership and transformatio Read More